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Last minute test prep
By Loren Deutsch
Last minute test prep? Below are a few examples for an upcoming In-Training Exam in Anesthesiology but the information is applicable for other high-stakes exams as well.
The ITE is comprised of 200 questions and residents have up to 4 hours to complete the exam. Click here to go to ABA’s ITE Blueprint and additional ITE information.
Q: What is an effective achievement strategy during the week before the ITE?
A: Practice, practice, practice! Seems obvious but not necessarily helpful. So, I wrote a sample plan starting today and/or tomorrow and through next week. Since ITE dates vary, consider increasing or decreasing the plan to fit your actual test date.
Sample Saturday and/or Sunday:
- Complete one half-length or one full-length ITE assessment in timed, test-mode using all questions (used, unused, incorrect) from your Q-Bank. You do not need to purchase an additional assessment, simply use or reuse questions from your Q-Bank
- Score the assessment and identify 2 areas (your highest-yield, lowest achieving topic & your highest-yield, highest achieving topic
highest-yield, lowest achieving topic - Review the answers to your highest-yield, lowest achieving topic (Self-prompt: “What is the question asking?” “What is the correct answer?” “How would I explain this Q & A to someone without a medical background?”)
- Practice explaining the explanation to the last self-prompt before moving on to the next question and answer. If time does not allow you to complete this strategy with all 100 questions then modify, and use this strategy only with the incorrectly answered questions
- Review the answers to your highest-yield, highest achieving topic (Self-prompt: “What is the question asking?” “What is the correct answer?” “How would I explain this Q & A to someone without a medical background?”
Sample Monday and daily before ITE: The schedule below could be modified for time constraints by reducing the number of questions per block in half.
- Complete one block of 40 questions from highest yield, lowest achieving topic (daily) in timed, test-mode using all questions (used, unused, incorrect) from your Q-Bank
- Complete one block of 40 questions from highest yield, highest achieving topic (daily) in timed, test-mode using all questions (used, unused, incorrect) from your Q-Bank
- Complete one block of 50 questions comprised of all topics in timed, test-mode using all questions (used, unused, incorrect) from your Q-Bank. You do not need to purchase an additional assessment, simply use or reuse questions from your Q-Bank
- No practice questions the day before ITE! Instead, review selected Q & A from highest yield, lowest achieving topic and highest yield, highest achieving topic per the self-prompting strategy above. Set a realistic bedtime and adhere to it 😴.
LAS has 25 years of experience in med ed, and we are available to help you design and implement an evidence-based study plan based on your specific goals and learning style.
If you have questions or would you like more information including the LAS Test Prep Method and our departmental training curricula, click here to let us know, we are happy to help!