Last week, I discussed the importance of detailed stories in Common App essays. But how, exactly, does one decide what story colleges want to hear? The vague and open-ended nature of the prompts offers students an almost infinite number of … Continue reading
LAS Articles
Putting the Personal in Personal Essays
This summer, I had the privilege of designing a new Common Application Essay Workshop curriculum for LAS. I thought about writing, I thought about editing. I read the prompts, and I thought about life writing. I read books of successful … Continue reading
Time-limited coaching in med ed
In the U.S. and Canada, academic support in medical education is variable and non-standardized. Most academic support relies on a deficit model based largely on exam remediation of written or clinical skills’ assessments. To address this remediation, med schools and … Continue reading
Top 5 ingredients for SAT and ACT success
Based on your test date, establish a 2-3 month study plan and stick to it Identify a limited number of study resources that include practice questions for spaced repetition, explanations and strategies, for each answer. Consider the following based on … Continue reading